martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Más control de especies

Buenas noticias en cuanto al control animal porque es muy peligroso que se lleven nuevas especies a nuevos hábitats. Si hay alguna manera en que se reduzca el riesgo de que esto ocurra es bueno que se haga y es necesario fortalecer las políticas y restricciones en cuanto al manejo de animales ya sea vivos o muertos.

I always write about educating people because I believe it's the basis for anything. I think we should educate people more about what happens when they take one animal out of his habitat to another and all the consequences and problems that this entail. Unfortunately many people have a love affair not to say a fixation with exotic things because they feel more adventurous. It is also insulting that animals such as crocodiles and kangaroos are making their way into "fancy" restaurants in London. It's all about education.

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