martes, 17 de enero de 2012

Water directive framework

In a time when we all need to push and ask for better water resource management, it's amazing and sad that as usual the main actors involved don't do as much as they could. It's like am not doing my job because someone else at a different level has to have more responsibility. In the meantime, the world's most important resource is running out and is badly managed. The directive was specific yet we local actors can't seem to make the time to do as they're supposed to do.

Je trouve que c'est très important essayer d'avoir une bonne gestion des resources hydriques, cependant sera très difficile apprendre les gens le faire d'une facon durable. Une bonne utilisation de l'eau doit commencer chez nous. C'est bien d'avoir une directive cadre sur l'eau mais on doit exiger aux authorités qu'ils la suivent vite.

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