El que una parte de un país se quiera separar del mismo es un problema que acecha a muchos pero, como bien dice la vicepresidente escocesa no se puede comparar a Escocia con el país vasco u otra zona en el mundo. Como siempre, la gente busca chivos expiatorios fáciles sin saber de lo que están hablando y es muy molesto que comparen peras con manzanas por no decir tomates. Escocia siempre ha sido un país aparte, su molestia contra los ingleses no alcanza el nivel de los irlandeses (por eso mismo siguen siendo parte del Reino Unido) pero nunca ha sido miel sobre hojuelas. Nunca olvidaré la broma que mi maestro escocés de sociología me contó: un escocés primero sale con una escoba con falda que con una inglesa.
A week ago as part of my EU Law test assignment, I had to do some research into referendums that had been held in the EU member countries and because of a misunderstanding my team and I overresearched the topic and I saw what an important figure referendums are in Europe. Now, an average European might not think much of it yet a Mexican who lives in a country plagued by lawlesness and where politicians parade their lack of respect for the citizens who put them in office and their corrupt activities seem to be part of their job description, the fact that people's voice can be heard through referendums and can therefore change the course of their country give a sort of hope. Whether people make the right decision or not is a different story, but is good to know Scots can have a real say in their future.
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